Wednesday, June 11, 2008

College Punks Moonlight As Eco Fashion Designers

Factory Green 100% organic argyle tee in pink and green that is perfect for ya'll AKAs (sorority much?)

Being partial to the Facebook generation, because we are members, has nothing to do with this GSpotting. Nope, this entry is purely aesthetic: Factory Green's clothes are badass!!

Factory Green WTF 100% organic tee made by wind power...our thoughts exactly

Factory Green is a new t-shirt, hoodie, and accessories site founded by 2 University of Missouri students, who are still in school, that sells quality organic campus attire. Their own Factory Green designs are not only 100% organic, affordable (like 20$ a pop), but manufactured at wind/solar powered facilities.
Factory Green 100% organic hoodie for dudes

Keep up the good work, Dan and Jack (co-founders)! And major shout out to Mizzou...

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