Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fashion Week Daily: Target to Carry Green Fashion

If Vogue is the mother of fashion magazines reminding you to do your homework, then Fashion Week Daily is that cool older cousin who comes through on the clutch to buy you and your friends alcohol (shout out Nola W for keeping us all in the know).

Bearing that quasi successful metaphor in mind, our cool older cousin is reporting that Rogan Gregory, demigod designer for Edun, Loomstate, and eponymous label Rogan, will be feting his latest collection for Target, to be pre-released at Barneys next Tuesday night.

Green goes mainstream when it is available at Target, that is for sure. But pre-released at Barneys? Fear not, G Spotting will be at the release party to see what that is all about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally Target is jumping aboard the green train! Target has great branding as a young and stylish company and hopefully it will have an associative affect on the green movement. Have you seen the new Walmart ads promoting eco products and a green lifestyle? Margaret, what are your thoughts on these?