Tuesday, April 15, 2008

C&C Organic Cotton Tanks, Tees, and Tunics; Oh My!

Basking in the newly arrived spring warmth, I have been garnering a lot of attention. Folks just can't stop staring at this GSpotter's chest! But it's not my anatomy that has them mesmerized. It's my organic cotton C&C tank top emboldened with the phrase, "change your habit" written on the front.

Any Fashion Head knows that C&C has the best fit, most flattering length, and shizzam color t for basic cotton seperates. And apparently, they also got the memo that traditional cotton farming techniques waste hella water and use a grip of pesticides (shout out to Travis for being my Cali Thesaurus and teaching me that hella is synonymous for grip). So, they came out with a wide variety of tops of all styles, with phrases and without, to make this summer as sassy/conscious as possible.

Check out this article from InStyle Magazine to see a few samples.

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