The Political Economy Research Institute released its list of the Top 100 Toxic Companies, which is awesome. Who doesn't love a good Erin Brockovich story replete with sick children due to poisoned water and air from a nearby chemical plant.
Paul Hawken's latest book and NY Times best seller, Blessed Unrest, talks extensively about the public reception of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. When Silent Spring was released in 1962, the toxic companies tried to discredit Carson's findings regarding their dangerous and often times fatal environmental impact on the surrounding communities, and the entire world. It is interesting to see that over 46 years later, these same companies are doing such a good job covering up their mistakes and then creating positive PR that they are still able to perpetrate truly heinous eco-crimes upon the most socio-economically vulnerable members of society.
I thought GE was all about eco-innovation, and Nissan was working on all this hybrid technology. So how come they are among the top 5 worst companies?
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